#TADF Training Booking Terms & Conditions v1.0

Training Delivery

All training is via zoom. Please let us know if you have any specific accommodations or needs.

Training force majeure incidents

If for some reason the training must be delayed during the day e.g., because of technical issues, then we will continue and try and catch up with the time during the day. If it goes beyond the scheduled time, then you can catch up through prerecording.

Cancelled training

If the training must be cancelled for any reason by us, you will automatically be booked on to the next identical training. You may request a refund if you prefer  view a previous identical event recording*


While we don’t offer refunds for training once booked, we will use reasonable endeavours to offer you a place (if available) on a future event or a prerecording of training. The same applies if you have internet connectivity issues.

Training duration

For training offered over time e.g., the certificate in diversity, race, culture, diversity and antidiscrimination practice it must be completed within 12 months of signup. If for any reason you cannot complete the published live workshop sessions, you will be offered pre-recorded session modules as an equivalent.


Recordings* are made available for convenience for 30 days after the event (or the last event on a certificate or diploma course). If for some reason you have not been able to view the recording within 30 days, we will offer it for a further 10 days on request. If you wish for a part of yourself to be removed, you may request it anytime. People are not recorded in general unless they speak including video. We do not record breakouts, chat, or process group days.

Student support

We have never had the need to ask anyone to seek further development or support rather than continue our training. If this occurs, please take this as a way of kindness and fairness to you and the group. We will refund you the future course cost. That’s any time or days you will not be completing.

Directory listings

By listing you on our directory we are stating your completion subject to observation to being on a path towards competency, safe and ethical practice. It is not assurance or competence accreditation. We reserve the right to remove or add based on our values.


Please note all material is for individual use only. Please no sharing, appropriating, or copying without permission.


Aftercare is via email or after live sessions if needed. We recommend you own support, supervision, and therapy as appropriate.


Please make this in writing to [email protected] our complaints procedure will always include a virtual face-to-face session to help resolve and if appropriate remediate the issue in an open manner.


*Please note recordings may be of an identical equivalent event.