Clients & Training Integrators

OnDemand Supporting Video Lessons

    1. What is Race and Culture? Concepts, Aspects & Labels

    2. Day 1 : Developing Cultural Competence (Self)

    3. Day 2: Race and Impact on Access and Inclusion

    4. Group Reflection Questions Between Days

    1. Exploring Racial-Cultural Othering, Racial Discrimination and Antidiscrimination Practice

    2. Understanding Racial-Cultural and Intersecting Privilege

    3. Part-1 Self-Assessed Quiz

    1. Understanding Racial-Cultural Development Processes

    2. Getting to know Cultural Contexts

    3. Exploring Racial-Cultural Stories

    4. Part 2 Self-Assessed Quiz

    1. Racial-Cultural States: Relationship & Practice Implications

    2. Understanding Communication Approaches

    3. The Language of Racial-Cultural Othering

    4. Dynamics of the Racial-Cultural Relationship (1): Theory

    1. Theory, Definition & Concepts

    2. Beginning Analysis

    3. Therapeutic Practice

    4. Institutional & Social Allyship

    5. Part 4 Self-Assessed Quiz

    1. Discovering Clients Worldview & Cultural Context(s)

    2. Challenges of Migration, Acculturation and Citizenship

    3. Integrating Religion, Spirituality & Meaning

About this course

  • £499.00
  • 60 Hours Total
  • 2 Hours Self-Assessment
  • CPD Certificate


#TADF Launch Video with Rory Lees-Oakes

More About the course

This Diversity, Culture, Race and Anti-discriminatory practice core competence training is for ALL trainees and qualified counsellors and psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychological professionals. It is based on racial and cultural development theory, client experiences, research and experiential learning, as well as a specific training approach refined over 24-months of delivery. The couse is Quality CPD Checked by the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS).

The training is self-certified as being compliant. and therefore includes awareness, knowledge and skills, according to the following standards:

Race, culture and antidiscrimination core competence framework for therapists (TADF)

BAME Positive Practice Guide (BABCP) including IAPT

Develop foundational knowledge and skills applicable to ALL therapists and clients including

Cultural Competence (Awareness)

Anti-Oppressive Practice (Structural Awareness)

Diverse Intersectional Groups and Common & Differential Factors

Racial-Cultural Identity

Developing Racial-Cultural Relationships

Racial-Cultural Discrimination

Racial Trauma and Intergenerational Trauma

Cultural Contexts, Personal Worldviews and Acculturation Conflicts

Migration & Citizenship 

Faith, Spirituality, Healing and Meaning (Awareness)


Sam Jamal

TADF Instructor (Workshop Lead)

Sam is a BACP (MBACP) therapist, trainer, group therapist, and co-lead of The Anti-Discrimination Foundation (TADF). She specialises in working with abuse, race, culture, sexuality, trauma, relationships, and group work. She has two decades of experience working within the youth services, where she dedicated herself working with gangs, young offenders, the vulnerable, and exploited young people. She professionally qualified with a degree in person-centred counselling at the Metanoia Institute for counselling and psychotherapy.

Mamood Ahmad

TADF Instuctor

Mamood Ahmad (he/him) is a UKCP Psychotherapist and an Accredited Professional Registrant (PNCPS Acc.) of the NCPS. Mamood is a UKCP psychotherapist, trainer, author and founder of The Anti-Discrimination Foundation (TADF) which provides diversity and anti-discrimination focused consultancy and training services to training institutes and individuals. He is an expert in Anti-Discrimination practice, Trauma, Race, Culture and Intersectional Diversity. He holds a private practice in Binfield, Berkshire since 2012. He is a lifelong dedicated practitioner of Wing Chun Martial Arts. Twitter: @ahmad_mamood. Web: He holds a private practice in the village of Binfield, Berkshire.

TADF Affiliate Trainer

TADF Affiliate Instructor

Coming soon


Here is what our attendees are saying

“I thoroughly recommend this course to every therapist. I think it should be mandatory on our training journey and I am ever so happy and relieved that I have found it before I qualify. Sam and Mamood showed great care, professionalism and deep understanding of past, present and future of othering. They provided us with a safe and welcoming space to be authentic, to meet in our differences and to find the courage to look honestly at our personal biases and systemic assumptions too. They provided us with a vast amount of precious theory and finally with really good, practical suggestions on how to implement those learnings in our practice. ”

Sylwia Korsak

“I have learned a little more humility as regards how I come across as a white therapist. I really valued the feedback both yourself and Sam offered me about working with Black, Brown and clients of Colour. I need to watch for coming across as ‘a bit holier than thou’!….when attempting to own my whiteness. I learned more about the importance of sensitivity when bringing up racial differences and racism….. that there isn’t a right way necessarily…. but that openness and willingness to learn is key.”


“I appreciated the way the content was delivered and emerged in a timely and relevant way to meet the needs of the group. I also appreciated Mamood’s input was kept to a sensitive minimum, guiding direction without directing the discussion. This was a life changing course for me which enabled me to really and honestly address issues that I have avoided albeit unconsciously”

Jan Baker, Chair of Membership Services Committee UKATA

“The training was a brilliant experience. It was informative, insightful, and hugely valuable – both personally and professionally. I would most definitely recommend it to other therapists. ”

Emily McArthur

“The course was amazing. I have become more aware of my learnt internal racism and am finally tuning in to what affects those of diverse heritage. I am losing friends as a result but I am comfortable with that. My white goggles are coming off finally. I do have much more learning to do ”

Janice M

“I have developed more confidence in challenging my white colleagues, for example if they are expressing their colour-blindness or possibly not seeing the bigger picture (e.g. systemic racism ). The reality of being white and privileged is dawning on me much more and it feels like a painful and necessary shift. ”


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