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Course curriculum

    1. Part 1 : Concepts, Difference & Diversity

    2. Part 2 : Diversity A-Z and Conceptualising Client

    3. Part 3: Building Blocks & Embedded Practice

    4. Part 4 : Concepts + 12 Critical Tools (1/2)

    5. Part 5: 12 Critical Tools (2/2)

    6. Part 6 : Harm & Inclusive Practice

    7. DDM Case Study for Reflection

    8. Part 7 : Case Study Group Reflection & End

    1. DDM Concepts

    2. Beginning Analysis

    3. Therapeutic practice

    4. Allyship

About this course

  • Ondemand CPD
  • Certificate

Working with Difference, Diversity & Marginalisation (DD&M) | Course Overview

An ondemand CPD to help you develop practical skills you can use in therapy for ALL clients. This workshop is for all therapists including trainees.

Join diversity specialists Mamood Ahmad (UKCP Psychotherapist) and Sam Jamal (BACP Therapist) as they help you integrate the latest theories and tools for working with Difference, Diversity & Marginalisation (DD&M) in therapeutic practice.


DD&M considers the social context, identity, otherness, and empowerment aspects of working with difference and diversity, especially for clients who occupy diverse intersectional identities of gender, sexuality, trans, race, culture, disability, neurodivergence, religion, nationality, and class. Twelve critical tools are explored for self-development and working with DD&M in practice.

In this course, we help you develop knowledge, awareness, and skills in working with your own and client’s diverse identities, such as building the relationship, focusing in on identity-related experiences, structural competence, and the impact of stress associated with marginalisation. This training will also provide a contemporary, up-to-date overview of working with diverse groups as well as common and different factors associated with client presentations. We will also reflect on the solutions and challenges of building an all-inclusive practice.

This course is based on our (#TADF) openly available, embedded and integrated therapy curriculum used by several training providers (please enquire for further information at: 


It is well known that diversity training is often an ‘Other’ and/or time limited part of training. In psychological training, the therapist can often be left without the knowledge and skills necessary for them to begin integrating and working within an DD&M as standard frame. The link between the client’s social location, identity, worldview, discrimination, otherness, and difficulties may never be made. This can leave an important factor out of therapy and consequently lead to a shortfall in the service provided or, worse, negative or even harmful experiences. This course aims to orient you towards a ‘diversity integrated as standard’ model of practice which goes to the roots of how to embed DD&M into therapeutic practice.


The training is structured into eleven units with discussions, case examples, and practical interventions and strategies provided throughout. There will be opportunities to ask questions, bring in your own experiences of practice, and gain insight from therapists with experience of integrating DD&M within therapy, in training, and in various helping professions.

1 : Building the Foundation for Integrated, Whole & Embedded DD&M Practice

1: Difference, Diversity & Marginalisation: Theories, Concepts and Mental Health Impacts

2: Towards All-Inclusive Whole Practice: Theory & Integration & Practice 

3: Difference and Diversity: A-Z Overview : Including Culture, LGBTQIA, Disability & NeuroDivergence, Class

4: Marginalisation: Majority Marginalised Stress, Common & Differential Themes, Structural Comparisons, Principles of DD&M Practice 

5: Overview of the 12 Critical Tools of Common Practice

6: Centering Anti-discrimination practice in practice: All-inclusive practice

2 : Developing the Skills for Integrated, Whole & Embedded DD&M Practice

7: Foundation Tools 1 : Modality, Difference, Social Location, WorldViews, Discovering Contexts, and Developing Cross-Identity relationships

8: Foundation Tools 2: Marginalisation, Identity, Visibility, Acculturation, Structural Narratives (4XI’s of Oppression), Stress and Trauma, Review of Group Specific Therapeutic Themes

9: Harm in Therapy: Iatrogenic, individual, group, cultural and systemic views of harm, stagnation and negative experiences

10: Applying DD&M Systemically: A Simulation of Inadvertent Systemic Discrimination and its Impact on Client Experiences and Outcomes

11: The Road Ahead: Towards whole unconscious practice : Mind-Body & Structural Therapy


This training is for anyone involved in the mental health profession. From psychological practitioners, such as counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists, through to all organisation staff who are involved in governing or delivering therapeutic services such as training organisations and membership bodies. It is also suitable for trainee therapeutic practitioners.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Be able to understand and explain DD&M concepts and theories (Psyho-Social-Spiritual-Structural).
  • Understand how to integrate DD&M into therapeutic practice.
  • Understand the importance of applying DD&M values and principles in ameliorating suffering and in providing an equitable therapeutic service.
  • Be able to understand and explain the mental and physical impact of oppression, marginalisation, stress, and discrimination on intersecting majority diverse groups (including women).
  • Be able to consider within group cultural othering experiences e.g. Male Otherness
  • Understand high-level history and current challenges of MMG Groups* such as based on race, disability, neurodivergence, sexuality and gender.
  • Build a deeper understanding of challenges that various intersecting majority diverse groups face and, thus, implications for therapeutic practice and in mental health provision.
  • Learn how harm in therapy can be systemically, culturally, and individually mediated.
  • Be better equipped to assess and conceptualise experiences of structural discrimination and oppression as part of a client’s overall problem presentation.
  • Understand the importance of the 12 tools of DD&M and how they can be applied in practice
  • Learn DD&M ideas, skills and interventions to help build the relationship, and help clients narrative relevant aspects of their contextual experiences of marginalisation and discrimination associated with their intersecting social identities. 
  • Learn common mistakes therapists make in developing the majority diverse relationship which forms (often invisible) barriers to the relationship and impacts outcomes.
  • Be better prepared to help clients manage potentially unsafe environments, client autonomous empowerment, allyship, and anti-discrimination strategies within the room as well as within service provision.
  • Be able to understand and practically apply concepts and theories of DD&M practice at a systemic level, whether a practice of “one” or within an organisational setting.
  • Be able to situate your learning and reflect on your own personal worldview and call to action.

What’s included

  • Access to ondemand video (120 days)
  • Aftercare

We have specific protocols to keep the environment as safe as possible for all and particularly for people with lived experience of minorized stress and trauma. The instructors will be available between breaks and after the training for up to 30 minutes to support you.

About #TADF

#TADF is a network of psychological practitioners who work with individuals, institutions, and training providers to embed anti-discrimination practice into their curriculum, service design, training, and organisation. Please email [email protected] if you wish to join the network.

* Majority Marginalised Group. That is, protected characteristics as well as class, socioeconomic status, trans*, cis women and neurodivergence. We also consider impact of within group level mental health e.g. impact on men. 

** DD&M considers all clients and especially for marginalised clients and associated systems that reflect, produce, and sustain injustices such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, cisgenderism, classism, ethnocentrism, ableism, neuroableism, ageism, transphobia, anti-blackness, xenophobia, and other intersecting forms of structural discrimination. We include within group lived experiences such as male otherness.


Mamood Ahmad

TADF Instuctor

Mamood Ahmad (he/him) is a UKCP Psychotherapist and an Accredited Professional Registrant (PNCPS Acc.) of the NCPS. Mamood is a UKCP psychotherapist, trainer, author and founder of The Anti-Discrimination Foundation (TADF) which provides diversity and anti-discrimination focused consultancy and training services to training institutes and individuals. He is an expert in Anti-Discrimination practice, Trauma, Race, Culture and Intersectional Diversity. He holds a private practice in Binfield, Berkshire since 2012. He is a lifelong dedicated practitioner of Wing Chun Martial Arts. Twitter: @ahmad_mamood. Web: He holds a private practice in the village of Binfield, Berkshire.

Sam Jamal

TADF Instructor (Workshop Lead)

Sam is a BACP (MBACP) therapist, trainer, group therapist, and co-lead of The Anti-Discrimination Foundation (TADF). She specialises in working with abuse, race, culture, sexuality, trauma, relationships, and group work. She has two decades of experience working within the youth services, where she dedicated herself working with gangs, young offenders, the vulnerable, and exploited young people. She professionally qualified with a degree in person-centred counselling at the Metanoia Institute for counselling and psychotherapy.

Reviews from previous attendees

“I thoroughly recommend this course to every therapist. I think it should be mandatory on our training journey and I am ever so happy and relieved that I have found it before I qualify. Sam and Mamood showed great care, professionalism and deep understanding of past, present and future of othering. They provided us with a safe and welcoming space to be authentic, to meet in our differences and to find the courage to look honestly at our personal biases and systemic assumptions too. They provided us with a vast amount of precious theory and finally with really good, practical suggestions on how to implement those learnings in our practice. ”


“The training was a brilliant experience. It was informative, insightful, and hugely valuable – both personally and professionally. I would most definitely recommend it to other therapists. ”
